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ECHO Clubhouse

For all inquiries, please call 604-526-9606 or email and a staff member will be happy to chat and support you.

Monthly Clubhouse Calendar – March 2025

COVID 19 Spring 2023 Communications

Vocational Support Program

Clubhouse Referral Form

Digital Program Brochure

Therapeutic Volunteer Program (TVP)

ECHO Burnaby Clubhouse supports individuals in their rehabilitation and recovery journey through holistic services that range from vocational (job, volunteering, education), leisure and recreation, health and wellness, to personal education. ECHO builds personal efficacy around wellness and provides a safe place to connect, reducing isolation and increasing well-being.  ECHO’s programming is based on the principles of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Recovery-Centered Clinical Systems, and Therapeutic Recreation. Embracing these philosophies ensures our program remains person-centered, and member-driven. If you reside in Burnaby, are over the age of 19, and live with a mental health challenge, you can attend an ECHO Orientation at our Edmonds Site (days and times indicated on the calendars below) to learn more about our program. Please note, we do require a referral from a primary support (ie: case manager, psychiatrist, GP).

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